Author: housingfirstuv
Ballot Measure 2 Passed!
We are thrilled to share that Zoning Article #2 passed in yesterday’s municipal elections in Lebanon! 1114 voters (73%) approved of the measure, and 401 (27%) disapproved. Thank you to the City of Lebanon for showing its support for the recovery community. We are especially grateful to all the volunteers who wrote letters, helped run…
Recapping the Community Conversation on March 4
Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Community Conversation on Tuesday night at the Kilton Library, to hear more about Recovery Housing. About 30 people attended in-person, and another 7 joined online. It was a really productive conversation. One of our Housing First members took notes on the questions that were asked by…
Letter to the Editor: Support Recovery Housing
This Letter to the Editor was submitted to the Valley News and published on March 4, 2025. I am writing to express my support for Lebanon’s Ballot Measure 2, a proposed zoning amendment that will allow “recovery houses” by special exception. The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the siting of unregulated recovery houses…
Letter to the Editor: Support Lebanon Recovery Housing.
This Letter to the Editor was published in the Valley News on February 28, 2025. I am writing to express my full support for Lebanon’s efforts to ensure the accommodation and integration of recovery homes for individuals with substance use disorders. TLC’s ongoing work in Lebanon has made it abundantly clear that there is a…
Letter to the Editor: Show that Lebanon Cares
This Letter to the Editor was submitted to the Valley News and published on March 1, 2025. At Listen Community Services, we see firsthand the everyday strength and resilience of individuals working to rebuild their lives after substance use disorders. Their journey is not easy, but with the proper support, they can thrive, and recovery…
Community Conversation Recovery Housing: March 4, 6-7:30pm
The Lebanon Human Services Department invites the community to a Community Conversation about Recovery Housing on Tuesday, March 4, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at Kilton Library’s Community Room, 80 Main Street, West Lebanon. This event provides an opportunity to learn more about the need for safe, certified recovery housing and the upcoming Lebanon Zoning Amendment…
Letter to the Editor: Support Recovery Housing
The following Letter to the Editor appeared in the Valley News on February 26, 2025. Residents in Lebanon have an opportunity to make a difference on March 11 by voting in favor of Ballot Measure 2, a proposed Lebanon zoning amendment that would require any recovery housing in our city to be certified through the…
Ballot Article #2 Full Text
The exact text of Ballot Article #2, to ensure safe, certified recovery housing in Lebanon, NH, is now available: Article #2 – (Recovery Housing): Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment #2 as follows: To amend the R-1, R-2, and R-3 District Tables of uses to allow “recovery house” by Special Exception. The…
Letter to the Editor: Recovery Housing
This letter was submitted to the Valley News. Recovery Housing is on the ballot in Lebanon on March 11. The ballot question #2 seeks to amend zoning in R1, R2, and R3 to allow certified Recovery Houses in those zones. I enthusiastically support this change. First, I feel the name should be “Reintegration Home” as…
2025 Lower Grafton County Point-in-Time Count Data now available
Housing First conducted yet another round of data collection and homeless outreach on January 22-24, as part of the national Point-in-Time count. We are pleased to be able to share this data with the wider community. Highlights from this Point-in-Time Count for January: Download the full report here. We are incredibly grateful to all of…