Ballot Article #2 Full Text

The exact text of Ballot Article #2, to ensure safe, certified recovery housing in Lebanon, NH, is now available:

Article #2 – (Recovery Housing):

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment #2 as follows: To amend the R-1, R-2, and R-3 District Tables of uses to allow “recovery house” by Special Exception. The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the siting of unregulated recovery houses within the City, and to institute reasonable regulations for the establishment of certified Recovery Houses in accordance with RSA 153:10-d, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of such facilities, and of the citizens of Lebanon.

The Lebanon City Council approves of and endorses the amendment of the Use Tables in the Residential One (R-1), Residential Two (R-2), and Residential Three (R-3) Districts to allow “Recovery Houses” as a use by Special Exception. The purpose of this amendment is to prevent the siting of unregulated recovery houses within the City, and to institute reasonable regulations for the establishment of certified Recovery Houses in accordance with RSA 153:10-d, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of such facilities, and of the citizens of Lebanon.

The Conservation Commission has determined the proposed Zoning Amendment has no conservation implications.

The Planning Board endorses the amendment. Allowing recovery houses by special exception in the R1, R2, and R3 districts ensures that those in need are housed in certified facilities. This not only aids recovery for the occupants but also safeguards neighborhoods from nuisances arising from improvised and unregulated group housing.

Visit the City of Lebanon website for more information about the election and voting.